Orbital Systems (Bombay) Pvt. Ltd.

QR Code Help!

What is a QR code?

QR Code consists of a set of Black and White squares which are readable by machine. The QR Codes are used for storing information such as company details with contact information. The codes are mainly read by Camera of Smartphone.

How to Read a QR Code?

Contact Person

Deepak Jeur

Address 1

Orbital Systems (Bombay) Pvt Ltd, F-19, Street No. 18, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik, Maharashtra - 422007, India

Address 2

Orbital Automation Pvt Ltd, Block A10, Unit no. 10-12, Bhumi World, Pimplas Village, Mumbai – Nashik Highway, Thane -421302

Call Us

+91-8591702921, +91-9821094824

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